The Badlands National Park

After visiting both the North and South Units of Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota we didn’t figure on seeing anything that would rival it and even wondered what the Grand Canyon would have on them……..The Badlands of South Dakota were astonishingly beautiful!  We tried a few shots with the panoramic setting on the new phone and we think they look nice:

As we entered the park we immediately pulled off and took this picture and figured our day ahead would be beautiful!
That is one trusting mother pronghorn antelope! Maybe she is just making sure that junior does not fall off his perch and into the road?
Our dream ride! We could not imagine the wind shear on this rig as the winds were easily 30 mph all day.
Nice shoulders for cycling but the 30 mph winds kept us on the hiking trails this day.
This pair of bighorn sheep was very polite as they waited for traffic (us) to pass on the road before they ventured across.
What would Yogi Berra say here? When you find a fork in the road….take it!
The storms around here look ominous but never seem to materialize. Notice the hawk looking for a meal.
These two fellas need a haircut badly!
The kiosk said the first 1/4 mile would be a doozy! It was almost vertical at points and even more fun on our way back down a few hours later.

Check out some of the beautiful scenery that surrounded us all hike long:         

We made it very clear to each other not to sit on this at our lunch spot!
This lonely flower caught our attention. So pretty.
Laurie says goodbye to the Badlands after a nice day.

3 Replies to “The Badlands National Park”

  1. Great animal shots. That antelope reminds me of me!
    Also, that dream ride was incredible! I’ve never seen anything like that.

  2. I’m way behind on your posts! But now (with Kathy’s help) can get email updates. Keep em coming Roy &Laurie

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