Wind Cave National Park….Then Where Has Dando Gone This Past Week?


We named him Chumley. Looks like he had a smile on his face?

We spent a very nice 3 days in Wind Cave National Park.  The park is tucked neatly into the Southeastern corner of South Dakota.  We took two very nice hikes and a nice bike ride before entering the park’s namesake…..The Wind Cave.  We then traversed the state of Wyoming to find The Tetons National Park and Yellowstone National Park.  We spent 3 wonderful days at each place but there was no WiFi signal to be found anywhere.  We suppose that was a nice respite from technology but we realized we are in desperate need of solar panels to keep our battery on the camper charged.  We do have a generator but hate using it around other campers as it does make noise even when it is on eco-mode.

This big guy didn’t seem to mind us walking right by him on the path……
…..or did he?
Who’s that knocking on my door? Some prairie dogs are more social than others.
Can you hear the conversation before this encounter? You go over there and look cute. After a while they will give you some food and you will share it with me right? Make sure not to get stuck under the wheels!
Got to get some information before heading our on our ride.
Could you imagine a collision with one of these on a bicycle?
This must be where all the bikes involved with wildlife collisions go?
This “little” critter hitched a ride with Laurie for a while.
This hardy tree must have been trampled by a herd of bison years ago as its trunk was lying on the ground and the root system seems to have headed south into the ground in search of water.
Although we gave this bison a wide berth he seemed uninterested in us as he was evidently in love with the trail marker post?
Nature is amazing! How this tree managed to grow out of that rock we don’t know. The hole in the rock on the right must be home for some really big animal in the winter.
There were multiple very large bird nests on the cliffs that bordered our hike. Not sure what types of birds but they were very active indeed.
Roy is not sure what apparition is following him?


2 Replies to “Wind Cave National Park….Then Where Has Dando Gone This Past Week?”

  1. It looks like the trail led right into the bike pile!
    Somewhere within that pile lies spare parts for the tandem!

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