Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Great Name.

Spent a few days near this strangely named town in New Mexico. We found out that it really is named after the radio game show “Truth or Consequences” back in the 40s. The network airing the popular show had a contest of sorts that if a town changed its name to Truth or Consequences they would air the 10th anniversary (1950) show from that town. Guess the town previously called Hot Springs wanted the notoriety and maybe potential tourist money so they legally changed their name. Eventually the radio show became a TV show and was hosted for 17 years by Bob Barker long before he did the Price is Right.

We have had the pleasure of seeing these roadrunners out on the road a few times during this trip. Only thing missing each time was the coyote. While in the area we got in a few good paddles in our kayaks as well as a nice hike through the desert.

This trail through the desert was not very well marked. We did see a few other folks out for a nice springtime walk but had to use our gps a few times just to make sure we did not get too lost. Is there such a thing as “too lost”?

The prickly pear cactus were in great abundance here. We noted that many of them had “bite marks” taken out of many of their paddles. We looked it up later and found out that the elusive javelinas do eat these cactus. We have not seen a javelina during our travels but wikipedia shows them to look much like a wild boar.

There were two different lakes to paddle on in the area. Both days we cut our paddles a bit on the short side as the wind made it difficult to enjoy the peaceful scenery.

Nice to have the lakes to ourselves. Not sure which mountain is off in the distance but it looks like a good hike for the future.

We did find a nice and almost wind free cove to paddle around. Still amazes us that the desert has so much water.

We could not tell who got pushed around by the wind more. My larger body versus her smaller one or the fact that my boat was deeper in the water causing more drag. Either way, only half our paddle was against the wind.

Sunsets from our camping spot were a beautiful way to end each day here in central New Mexico.