Custer State Park, South Dakota

When we headed to the Mount Rushmore area we had never heard of Custer State Park.  This State Park is one we will return to in the future. Not all places we’ve been have given us that feeling.  There is much hiking and biking to be done here and the overall scenery and abundance of wildlife make it one of our favorites so far:

The guy belaying this fearless woman at the bottom spent his time encouraging her as well as keeping his dog from running into the road.
After a few “attempts” she did make it to the top. The few of us watching wanted to give a round of applause but didn’t want to startle her either. We wondered how the belay rope got attached at the top in the first place?
This was the “normal’ scenery in the park. Nice for a quiet afternoon stroll.
Laurie could not resist snapping this picture of me sitting down on the job……what a job this retirement thing has been so far.
Absolutely gorgeous! This view came after a long rock climbing hike. No gear needed just good ole’ hands and feet.
We had to stop the scooter and take a picture of this sign. After a bit of exploring, we found the reason for the name. We wondered how many bison could fit into the “hole in the wall” to weather a storm?
This “little” guy must have been on his dessert course after dinner as it was almost 7 pm. Note the “tattoo” on him. This tells folks he belongs in Custer SP. The bison get rounded up every September 28 to check their health, the size of the herd and to brand the newcomers.
A well-earned fire with a beverage of our choice.


4 Replies to “Custer State Park, South Dakota”

  1. Beverage of choice is always good after a hard day at work or play! Oh that’s right the work you do now is your work!
    What great things you are learning and experiencing.

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