Holy Cactus Batman!! Saguaro National Park Near Tucson.

How many of these giant saguaro can you count here. Can certainly see why they named the park after this behemouth.

Our path for the day seems like it will lead to somewhere amongst the clouds in the desert.

Right time, right place to see this barrel cactus in bloom. We saw some of the blooms detached and partially eaten along the trail. Maybe there are seeds in the flowers that other animals eat and then excrete somewhere else for germination?

We noticed that these teddy bear cholla cactus seem to be dropping some “arms” this time of year. Maybe they are dropping them so they can root themselves and become viable new cacti? The one on the left seems to have sprouted 2 or 3 of these offspring.

What would a good walk in the Arizona desert be without some good ocotillo cactus to keep the saguaro company?

Many of these ocotillo cactus were also in bloom this time of year. Very pretty indeed.

Not sure whether this two headed monster is a barrel or a saguaro. Either way, the saying goes “two heads are better than one”.

The end of the official trail found us staring at this small but impressive waterfall in the desert. Not even enough water to keep the pool from stagnating.

Imagine the complete silence in the desert and then hearing this waterfall. Almost felt like laying down and taking a nap.

Saguaro National Park has two units but we only visited the eastern one near Tucson. There is a nice 8 mile loop along the park road that I took a bike ride on but no pictures. Very cool ride as the road is one way and there is not much traffic either.