The Precipice Trail In Acadia…Afraid Of Heights You Say…Avoid This Hike.

Although the blog has a title of “The Adventures Of Roy And Laurie” this hike on the precipice trail was precipitated by Sam, a friend of Karen Shapiro and now a friend of mine. He had done the hike over 40 years ago and wanted to reminisce a bit. I was up for the challenge so we headed out mid-morning to see if the trail was as Sam remembered it.

Ready to head out for a journey.
The first sign we saw was not that encouraging to say the least. Got to love the verbiage regarding “nearly vertical route”. They were not kidding!
This pile of boulders was the “easy” part of the hike.
Many of the ledges were like this one. One small mis-step and it would be all over so to speak.
At least this ledge had a small hand hold made of rebar to make us feel a wee bit better.
Some other sections had some protection against a foot slip of sorts. Check out the gorgeous view we were starting to get.
Here is one of those sections that required me to say “do not look down” as a climbing mantra.
This time I was the first one up and got to take a picture of Sam hauling himself up to another of the precipice ledges.
One of the easier sections!
A view from one of the ledges we ate our lunch on.
Us again, but this time, at the summit! A hike well done and enjoyed thoroughly.

2 Replies to “The Precipice Trail In Acadia…Afraid Of Heights You Say…Avoid This Hike.”

  1. You are a braver person than me. I am happy walking on flatter terrain. Congrats on you successful hike, well done.

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