A Carriage Ride On The Roads That Rockefellar Built in Acadia NP.

What a more natural thing to do on a carriage road than take a horse drawn carriage ride. Absolutely gorgeous creatures that were “retired” from work at Amish farms in the New England area.

Time for a relaxed ride around the park.
What a beautiful way to spend an afternoon!
The Rockefellars created a no bicycle zone on these roads near their estate as one of their daughters was injured when a horse was spooked by a bike rider way back in the day.
These bridges were constructed over a roughly 20 year period and ended up being incredibly expensive. This bridge had an extra expense as the stone was mistakenly quarried out of a neighbor’s property. He wanted major compensation after all was said and done and he got it.
A quick break from our ride. Was this to give us a break or the horses??
What a grand ride that was!

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