Zip Lining And Repelling Down The Bretton Woods Ski Slopes.

We finally decided to try one of the zip line tours we have heard about for years. Neither of us are particularly scared of heights but we do have a healthy fear of stupidity…Hanging from a wire zipping 100 feet or more above the ground may qualify for stupidity but, hey, you know.

We figured out how to embed a video into the blog after this yearlong journey so simply click on the play button (white triangle) and watch our adventures.

Laurie is ready for adventure!
Roy wonders why hats/helmets are not made for such large heads?
Fabulous backdrop for this picture! The Mount Washington Hotel with the Presidential Range of the White Mountains behind it.
Training on how to zip along the cable. So smooth!
Would you step off the platform?
Training on how to repel. One of the most unnatural feelings I have ever had.
Mastered it!
The suspension bridges connecting an occasional pair of platforms were cool to walk across.
Laurie looks like a pro here.
Feeling like I might stick the landing?
Stuck it indeed!!

2 Replies to “Zip Lining And Repelling Down The Bretton Woods Ski Slopes.”

    1. That is a good way to describe the zip line experience….a battle of the senses. Well worth the battle in our opinion. Not sure we would do it again though.

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