Hiking Vermont’s Highest Peak….Mount Mansfield.

So many years visiting Vermont and its Green Mountains but nary a trip to climb Vermont’s tallest peak. The time has come!

Very happy hikers!
Awesome CCC rock work done here in the culverts of the trail.
A peek at the views to come. Trail builders always have a sense of allure.
We did not explore it but you gotta love the name “Wampahoofus Trail”
A view of Lake Champlain in the distance. The Adirondacks are looming out there, too.
Mount Greylock has the slogan “Do The Rock Walk” to con hikers into staying off the fragile flora. Hopefully this sign has the same effect.
Notice the blaze on the rocks is now a white blaze. That signifies that we are on the Long Trail, the granddaddy of all long distance trails in our country. The blue blaze on the sign signifies a side trail, in this case the Maple Ridge Trail we had just traversed. The Long Trail tread also hosts the AT further south in Vermont but up here….it is king.
Gorgeous ridges in the background but the foreground has a standard turn blaze painted right on the rocks. Much of the trail was on the rocks and out of the woods.
The guide book warned us about two spots on the ascent along the Maple Ridge Trail. That small ledge was enough to shimmy along but with no hand holds, a slight misstep could send you for quite a fall.
The guide book also warned of this 6 foot deep and 4 foot wide crevasse. One long leap for us but one shorter step toward the goal of the summit.
The ridge we followed to reach the summit.

Some gorgeous summit views:

As is always the case, the downhill walk is the more demanding on these old knees.

3 Replies to “Hiking Vermont’s Highest Peak….Mount Mansfield.”

  1. My son lives in Williston. Love it there. We are in Alaska, heading to Kenai Peninsula today. We have adapted quite well to life on the road.

    1. We have also adapted nicely. Have not heard of Williston, is it near the Whites? Hope you are enjoying Alaska. As you are somewhat near the coast the temps are probably okay too?

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