Memories Of A Hometown Long Forgotten But Not Completely Dismissed.

It seems that once a decade or so we end up back down in the Larchmont, NY area where I spent the first 17 years of my aging existence. We had a bit of free time in between our trifecta of experiences in NYC so why not revisit good old Larchmont?

17 Homer Avenue in Larchmont. The slate roof is still from pre-me days. I remember mowing that little lawn as a kid and learning to ride a bicycle on that same sidewalk.
My Grandmother Dando’s house on Fernwood Road has really not changed a bit on the outside. The HUGE oak tree is, well, just that…..HUGE.
I have grown up a bit (physically anyway) since the last time I was at the “Duck Pond” feeding the ducks stale bread.
Mrs Showstead’s house where I met lifelong friend John at 3 years of age.
My “Field of Dreams”. I played little league ball on that same field and it does not appear to have been improved upon.
Walter’s hot dog stand is still in business after over 100 years. Man are those hot dogs good!
To prove to Laurie how good they are, I had to sample a dog with mustard.
I used to play tennis and stickball at the Murray Ave playground. Lots of homeruns were hit over the summers I played there.
John’s childhood home on Virginia Place. If only a building could tell stories??!!
Manor Park. Right on Long Island Sound this beautiful umbrella on the point served as a makeshift fort and hang out over the years.
Here is one childhood dream that came true. Bringing the love of my life to this special spot on the water.

5 Replies to “Memories Of A Hometown Long Forgotten But Not Completely Dismissed.”

  1. Good memories for you!
    All my childhood (pre-teen) residences are now under water so NYC can have drinking water.

    1. I remember talking to you about that. Very interesting, and sad, to think about that. How about taking a scuba class and going down to check it out?

  2. It is nice to go “home” again. Since three of my brothers still live in the area I get to visit regularly. Many of my favorite place to eat are gone. My Catholic school has closed and the middle/ high school have doubled in size. Glad you are back in NY. Hope to see you both soon.

  3. Wow the nostalgia must have been flowing!! All those memories of throwing your peas out the window- as well as behind the couch! (I vividly remember you sharing that story with Dad and I on a summer hiking trip 10 years ago!)

    Thought the caption with Aunt Laurie along the water was the best- so sweet!

    Love you guys!

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