Parasailing!…Just When We Thought We Were In Our Comfort Zone

After a fantastic time in New Orleans with during Mardi Gras it was off to the Sunshine State of Florida. We had many plans in Florida but decided to kick it off with a parasail flight:

We had absolutely no idea what we were just about to get ourselves into!

We were not sure what to expect while flying during our parasail experience but it turned out to be quite the eye opening experience. They took their time with us as we were the only people on this flight. We eventually sailed to over 1000 feet above the Gulf of Mexico. We are not afraid of heights but when we were at 1000 feet sitting on a small strap being blown around in the wind??????

Is there any fear in those smiles?
We look like two kids on a really cool swing-set eh?
Just about to get “dunked”.
We got “dunked” twice on our flight. Hope that was on purpose! Nice that the water is as warm as bath water.
Is that really us?
Who is that masked man with the larger than life pair of scissors? Of course we did not see this until after the ride while reviewing the photos. There would have been no tip for this deck hand if he had gone through with it!

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