A Fare Thee Well To Amy’s Family & Thousand Oaks

We have been using Amy and Eric’s backyard/driveway as our home away from home for almost 2 months now. After covering as many “bases” as possible in the Southern California area we are finally heading a bit further south and then east for the start of a new year. Before heading out we simply had to visit Evelyn, Nestor and Gaby for a meal of homemade pupusas. This is the national dish of El Salvador

Laurie, Roy, Eric, Amy, Malia, Gaby, Robert, Sophia, Jordan, Evelyn and Nestor
These are truly awesome delicacies! The cabbage slaw on the left had a bit of a zing to it and the pupusas are pockets of meat and vegetables in a homemade cornmeal bread pocket.
This is Gaby. She was a wonderful hostess. She gave us the walking tour of their beautiful estate inside and out. She loved the flower blooming right outside their door.
After dinner Nestor played the piano and Evelyn sang for us before we watched a movie to wrap up our evening.
The next day it was tough to say goodbye but the smoked sockeye salmon fresh from Collin’s in Alaska helped the mood a bit.
As we headed out Amy and Eric made sure we took a bit of their home with us. We dried the fresh mint, rosemary and thyme and enjoyed fresh lemons and limes from their trees on the side yard. Amy also threw in 2 containers of split peas soup and one of creamed spinach.

2 Replies to “A Fare Thee Well To Amy’s Family & Thousand Oaks”

  1. It’s always nice to try some new dishes and those look very inviting.
    Wishing you two “happy trails” on your departure from the area!

  2. It was a truly amazing visit that seemed to go by too quickly!
    It was awesome catching up and hope to do it again in years to come! We hope your travels are exciting, adventurous and safe!

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