Warmer Climes In Page, Arizona

After all the toadstool watching we figured there had to be more to Page, AZ than that so off to a short hike at “Horseshoe Bend” on the Colorado River.

You can see why they named it Horseshoe Bend! Absolutely fabulous!
We actually saw a few kayaks floating by on the mighty Colorado. We could not imagine floating along through this awesome canyon.
What a cool looking couple of old retired folks!
At a BBQ joint all the locals were raving about we watched the birds taking advantage of the peanuts in the buckets. Very cute but what would the health department say about this?
A bit of shopping produced this nicely named product. Looks like our President has opened up a can of vocabulary worms? Never in a million years would we have expected to see something like this in a public store!
In the background you can see 3 tall smoke stacks. These belong to the Navajo Nation. The coal-fired power plant will be shut down next year as it sells its electricity to California and that state is trying to combat global warming by reducing its carbon emissions. Good for the globe but we are not sure what the Navajo think about that.

We visited a resort on Lake Powell with the thoughts of returning someday and renting a houseboat for a good time.

A view of the marina on Lake Powell. All those boats are high-end houseboats. Very pricey!
Look at the hairdo on this waterfowl!
Even though it is November the houseboat industry is in full swing.
Is it legal to avoid parking in the handicap spots by parking on the sidewalk?
We love these full-scale relief maps that we keep running into. Lake Powell is one of the largest man-made lakes in the world.
Not quite as impressive as the Hoover Dam but……Damn is that dam impressive!
A picture of the Colorado River after it has generated the electricity by flowing through the turbines in the dam.
We had to take a picture of this bumper sticker! No other words necessary.
All this exercising has taken a bit of weight off of us and made our legs grow too.

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