Lions And Tigers And Bears Oh My…..No Lions Or Bears But Definitely Tigers!

After leaving Crater Lake NP our basic goal was to make it to the San Fransisco area by the 17th to visit Chris, Marnielle and our two grandchildren Myles and Harper.  We spent 3 days visiting a town called Cave Junction, Oregon.  We checked in to Lone Mountain RV Park and told them we would stay one night but longer if we found something to satisfy our curiosity itch.  The first place we visited was Great Cats World Park.  We are not sure why we paid the $15 apiece to go in and see these cats but when we came out after a basically private tour we were thoroughly impressed with their caring for these cats and their effort toward cat species preservation.

Meet Scooby the white Siberian tiger. He was the first cat we met. He is 7 years old.
Oh my Scooby is one big cat! Our tour guide conned him into standing up for us with a piece of raw meat.
We found this snow leopard entertained us with his tail. It is so long that he spent his time walking around with it in his mouth!
This black leopard is named Taboo. He is the sanctuary’s oldest cat at 19 years old. When the sun hits him at the correct angle you can see his spots.
These three black leopards are siblings. They are almost 2 years old. The male is much larger than the two females. They will soon have to be separated as they are approaching maturity.
They were very polite. Each taking a turn being given a treat.
This is called a fishing cat. This species is one of the few cat species that is okay getting wet. They dive in after their prey and use their long front legs to fish it out.
This African Wildcat is the nearest ancestor to our domesticated cat lines today. We were told that it is one of the most ferocious of all the wild cats. Generally the level of ferocity is inversely proportional to their size. This cat was small but…….
It was a tiring day for this old cat! Entertaining the Dandos is a tough job.
No,this is not a random picture of a peacock in a cat post. These birds seem to be all over the place in Oregon and Northern CA. Not part of the actual tour but neat to see all the same.

There were many more cats on our tour today so some nice photos of them are below,  We are very enthralled with the mission of this place.  Along with a large network of places similar to this they are trying to give these cats a good place to live and to preserve some of the species from extinction.  Some of these cats are predicted to be extinct in the wild within the decade.  We believe all the cats here were born in captivity and will have a lifespan nearly double a healthy cat in the wild.  Not what nature intended but…….

Take a look at their website and decide for yourself if places like this are appropriate in our day and age.

3 Replies to “Lions And Tigers And Bears Oh My…..No Lions Or Bears But Definitely Tigers!”

  1. This looks awesome. Did you know that there are more tigers in captivity in the state of texas than there are in all the wild areas of the world?

  2. I have been meaning to comment for a few days now. I love the cats, both big and small. Looks like they have been rescued and found a good home.

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