Yellowstone National Park….Day 2

On day 2 we did a short hike up Elephant’s Back Trail to a wonderful view of Yellowstone Lake.  Then we did a driving tour of the large loop at the bottom of the park.  We both agreed that riding the tandem bike on the roads here would not be wise.  Very curvy roads and absolutely NO shoulder (not to mention all the folks driving huge RVs)

Sunrise at Bridge Bay Campground in the heart of Yellowstone.
After a nice hike up a beautiful path we were rewarded with this view of Yellowstone Lake. There was also another couple there who were happy to take our picture!
Here is a clearer view of Yellowstone Lake.
On our LONG drive around the bottom loop we kept pulling over at thermal events to take pictures. They are either classified as a geyser, hot spring, sulfur pot or mud volcano. This was called a geyser basin as there were many areas of thermal activity.
This is called the “Dragon’s Mouth Spring”. I think you can see why. Probably the single most interesting feature we saw at Yellowstone.
Another breath of “fire”.
We are not sure about the name but figure it is because of the acidic nature of the area? Very pretty though.
This area had a sign posted that it “blew up” many years ago and eliminated all the vegetation. We decided not to stick around too long waiting for another eruption.
The  mud volcanoes were bubbling. We would not like to fall into one of them.
The smell of sulfur was everywhere in the park but boy, are the hot springs beautiful.

Here are few pictures of the elk we saw today:

2 Replies to “Yellowstone National Park….Day 2”

  1. Howdy….. great talking to you today. I miss you guys an entire bunch, and then some. Looks like you are having a fantastic time and an experience that will last you at least 8 lifetimes. Hope you are staying healthy. Not messing with those grizzly bears was a smart move. They wold probably agree with me that the two of you look good enough to eat. Let me know if this arrives. If so, more to follow.

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