Oddities On The North Shore of Minnesota

After almost 7 weeks of hiking on the Superior Trail we have put together a few pictures of seemingly random “oddities” we came across.

Had to take a picture of this cute little critter on a trail head sign. Is this what we will look like after we finish the trail?
This picture does not do justice to the huge amount of wooden carvings and statues all over this person’s lawn. We looked up Pax Vobiscum and found it to mean “peace be with you”.
No, Laurie is not the oddity we are talking about here. This is called Black Beach near Silver Bay, Minnesota. The sand is actually taconite. This is a broken up sedimentary rock containing around 15% iron.
On the North Shore this taconite is melted down and used in steel production. It gets REALLY hot on the feet though.
This character’s house/shop sold fur pelts and firewood? Not sure if the “maybe” sign is there for “maybe we have fur” or “maybe we are open”!
This was hanging on a wall in the lodge we ate lunch at one time. Amusing, and, basically true.
Can you see the smiley face in the potato chip? That is what my face looked like after I ate it!
No, we did not submerse ourselves.
Thought this was interesting. Damage caused by humans and beaver at the same time.
We suppose that foot travel includes snow shoes.
This is an ice house built on the shore of Lake Superior by the CCC back in the 30s. Our guess is that it has had some restoration as it is in magnificent shape. Gooseberry Falls State Park
More CCC work at Gooseberry Falls SP. We would love to have one of these in our yard at home!
Wouldn’t you just love to be there when giant pieces of rock split off into the lake? Well….not too close to there.


3 Replies to “Oddities On The North Shore of Minnesota”

  1. Maybe Brad can build you that picnic table while you’re gone:)
    Loved the happy-face potato chip and that awesome hiking etiquette sign! You guys are having way too much fun!!

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